How can i remove hair from my bikini area without using a razor or waxing?

Summer will be coming around soon and i'd rather not be showing off down there when im in my bikini. I've tried shaving and it hurts like a ***** when the hair comes back so i kinda crossed that off my list. Im kinda too young to have a waxing or laser treatment too. I also tried some nair stuff that smelled nasty and basically sucked at life. So what can i do?

well i recommend waxing. definitely wax, because it will last a long time. I started waxing bikini when i was 12.

If you are ruling out shaving, waxing, depilatories (Nair) and laser treatment.....that doesn't leave much in the way of options!

You could try home waxing strips if you feel you are too young to go to a salon. Sally Hansen makes pre-waxed strips that are pretty good.

after youve been shaving for awhile it wont hurt when it grows back in you get used to it.. it may itch a little bit but thats the only way to really do it without waxing.. and i dont think nair is safe to use down there..

well apart from plucking which would damn hurt a nicer hair removal cream would be good - maybe veet... and it leaves ur skin really nice and silky - not that that matters though!!

well theres no other wayy unless u wanna do threading witch will hurt alot

just wax for me its the best for meeeee

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